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As of July 2, 2007, the new organization denominated U.S. Veterans Panama is founded.


    a. To assist veterans residing permanently in the Republic of Panama with their Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) benefits. From here on, the term Veterans includes dependents and survivors of deceased veterans.
    b. To guard the rights of the eligible members according to the established legal standards in the Republic of Panama.
    c. To advise and coordinate with veterans the procedures to follow on claims to obtain the VBA benefits.
    d. To develop fund-raising activities for the improvement of the organization. The Board of Directors will establish clear and specific objectives to assure the transparency in the use of the funds.
    e. To work in collaboration with medical providers to assure a better health care for the veterans, according to the agreements between these providers and the United States government.
    f. To advise universities and other higher-learning institutions in the procedures of the Foreign Program Approval of the VBA, and to advise these universities and institutions in the methods to process and fulfill all the administrative aspects of the educational benefits.
    g. To educate/advise veterans in VBA's health services, compensation and pension, education, life insurance, vocational rehabilitation, pharmacy, and survivor’s benefits.
    h. To collaborate with the United States Consulate’s Federal Benefits Unit, to assist veterans.
    i. Lobbying before the United States legislative branches and other government institutions in subjects of interest for the veterans.
    j. To request the recognition of the organization by VBA to provide limited representation to veterans in claims under the statutes of Title 38, Chapter I, Part 14, Section 14.628 (c) and Chapter 59, 5902 (a) (1.) These statutes indicate that the officials authorized in an organization with objectives similar to ours, can request in writing the recognition to VBA for the preparation, presentation, and processing of claims for benefits.


The Board of directors is made up of the President, Judge Advocate, Secretary, Treasurer and Trustee. Additionally, the President or Judge Advocate will assign a limitless number of members for fund-raising activities, assistance to other informal committees, and when there is necessity to assist in burial ceremonies.

It will be the duty of the President, with the Judge Advocate’s assistance to lead all meetings and supervise the functions of the rest of the officials and other informal work groups.

The Judge Advocate will carry out the functions of the President, in his/her temporary absence. He/She is the interpreter of the operations, procedures, programs, and activities, by-laws and policies of the organization and those of the VBA. He/She assures the legal and operating integrity of the organization within the local charter and the VBA's. The Judge Advocate may also be called on to make procedural rulings during the course of business and Board meetings.

The Secretary will execute the correspondence and will maintain the files of the organization, including the list of members with their physical addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail. He or she will open all meetings and will take notes for the minutes that will be later, disseminated to all members. The Secretary will temporarily carry out the functions of the President and Judge Advocate when both are absent.

The Treasurer will be in charge of the funds of the organization, who will deposit them in a savings account in BANCO GENERAL. The Treasurer will administer these funds in order to pay the obligations of the organization for its functions, with the approval of the President and the majority of the Board of Directors. The savings account will have two authorized signatures for the withdrawal of funds, those being the Treasurer and the President. It will have the additional signature of the Trustee in case of absence of the Treasurer or the President. The Treasurer will submit a formal annual report during the month of June. It is also the responsibility of the Treasurer to submit a financial report in all MINUTES after every Board of Directors and General Membership meeting.

The Trustee oversees the financial affairs of the organization. He/She is the authenticating agent of all decisions regarding expenses from the organization’s fund, acting as the major supervisor of the account, and acts as the primary contact with outside agents in financial matters. The Trustee will not be required to submit formal annual reports, unless the President deems it necessary. The Trustee will act as alternate to withdraw funds from the account or to dispose of the organization’s funds when one of the primaries (President and Treasurer) is absent.

The five members of the Board of Directors will be elected democratically among the members of the organization for a period of two (2) years.

It is the duty of all members with delegated power to incur expenses, to notify to the Board of Directors before incurring such expenses, for its approval. All the expenses must be justified with receipts of purchases.


To be part of the organization the member must show a copy of the Service Certificate, DD 214 granted by the Department of Defense of the United States under the conditions of OTHER THAN HONORABLE, HONORABLE or GENERAL. The annual membership dues shall be set at twenty ($20) dollars. The period of the membership begins the first day of the month of July and concludes the 30th of June of the following year. The membership card of the organization will be issued, which will identify the bearer as part of the organization.

The veteran’s annual dues cover all dependents but only one vote per family will be allowed, in any instance where such vote is required. The family membership will allow the spouse and all adult (18 or more) dependents to compete for any position in the Board of Directors. When a spouse or dependent is active serving in the Board of Directors, there will be no requirement to include his/her name in the General Membership roster, if the veteran’s name and signature is part of such roster.

In case a spouse or dependent (18 or more) wants to have a separate vote from the veteran’s individual vote, this spouse or dependent must pay separate annual dues. Then, his/her name and signature will be part of the General Membership roster.


On a new proposal, its author(s) will present it to a member of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will decide by majority voting if the proposal is approved or not. All the approvals and negations of proposals will be communicated to all the members by e-mail, in the Minutes or verbally.

At times, the General Membership will be called to make collective decisions. A vote of fifty (50) percent plus one (1) additional vote of the members present will constitute motion to approve the issue or decision.


All concerns and complaints should be communicated either verbally, in writing or by e-mail to the Board of Directors for the appropriate solution.


Members who verbally, physically or electronically disrespect other members of the organization, or those who fail to fulfill their assigned work will be sanctioned. The Board of Directors will determine the gravity of the sanction. The maximum sanction within the limits of the organization will be the expulsion of the member from the organization, which implies: Return of the membership card and loss of all benefits the organization grants. The minimum sanction will be a verbal reprimand. In case the implied person is a member of the Board of Directors, a replacement will be found while the sanction is solved.


The electoral period to nominate and designate the members of the Board of Directors begins on April 1, or ninety (90) days before the end of the period of service of the five officials. The President will designate the number of members for the conformation of the Electoral Committee. The Board of Directors and the Electoral Committee will keep the General Membership informed on the following electoral procedures:

    a. During the month of April, any member can nominate another member for any of the five positions that comprise the Board of Directors, including the nomination of the present officials for the same or another position.
    b. In addition, during the month of April, the present members of the Board of Directors must communicate to the Electoral Committee their interest whether to compete for reelection, desist in competing, or compete in a different position.
    c. All members nominated by another member for a position in the Board of Directors must communicate during the month of April to the Electoral Committee his or her interest (or intention) to accept or to decline participation in the Board of Directors.
    d. All members will have the opportunity to vote for each one of the five positions that compose the Board of Directors. The vote of each member for each position may be YES, NO, or ABSTAIN.
    e. The electoral period will be during the month of May, and the Electoral Committee will establish the electoral procedures with the approval of the Board of Directors.
    f. The elections will be valid when the voting is equivalent to a 50 percent plus one (1) vote of the General Membership.
    g. In tie situations, the member with more time in the organization will be designated for the position.
    h. It is the duty of the Electoral Committee to complete the electoral period no later than June 15th, and report all incurred expenses to the Board of Directors.


The President, in coordination with the Board of Directors, will designate the location of the organization.


The Board of Directors will conduct a monthly meeting. The date and location of the Board of Directors meetings will be up to the discretion of the President. The President will also, designate the date and location for the General Membership meetings. All Minutes will be available to all members, sent by electronic mail, and the original will be signed by the President and the Secretary.

Approved on August 4, 2007.

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